Combat varicose veins with Herzog PRO Compression Socks

If you have varicose veins there is nothing you can do about it. You are not sick at all, but it 'runs in the family'. If your mother or father has varicose veins, there is certainly a chance that you will get them too. If you have varicose veins, your vessel wall is slightly less strongly developed and does not have much resistance. Herzog PRO Compression Socks are perfect for treating varicose veins. With Herzog's modern design and wearing comfort, you certainly don't have to feel like a patient. To find out how this works, let's first go into some detail…


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A brief explanation of blood flow

Before we discuss the vascular problems, we first need to know a little more about blood flow. As you may know, the heart pumps the blood with energy-rich substances, sugars, and oxygen through increasingly smaller blood vessels and into the smallest capillaries. These sugars and oxygen are then transported to the muscle cells by the residual pressure of the heart. Those vessels from the heart to the capillaries are called arteries.

The blood with the waste products of the combustion process, lactic acid and carbon dioxide, is reabsorbed into the blood vessels that return the blood to the heart. We call this the venous or venous system. The arterial blood goes easily to the legs, because the pressure of the heart is still very high and gravity also helps.

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However, the situation is different with the blood that has to go back up to the heart, against gravity. The residual pressure of the heart is then only minimal. You can imagine that just because of gravity there is a pressure of the blood in those veins downwards. When we move the calf muscles, the muscles are successively tensed and relaxed, so they alternately become shorter and thicker and then longer and slimmer again. This means that the veins are closed and opened again rhythmically. As a result, the flow rate increases as the cross-section of the vessel decreases. Compare it to the garden hose where you pinch the end slightly. The jet becomes smaller, but more powerful and sprays a lot further. That's how the veins work too. You tense your muscles, the vessels are squeezed empty and the flow rate in the direction of the heart is accelerated.

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When varicose veins develop

However, this can only work if there are some kind of 'sluices' that ensure that the blood can only flow in one direction, namely towards the heart. These locks are the so-called valves in the blood vessel. This allows the blood to only flow in the direction of the heart and not back. The video above shows the operation of the calf muscle pump schematically. These valves only function when they can close completely.

But those valves only function when they can close completely. If the vessel wall is not so strong, offers too little resistance and is dilated, the valves can no longer close completely. The result is that the blood with waste products shuttles back and forth. There is then no longer a proper flow of the venous blood back to the heart. Varicose veins can then develop: these dilated veins often look like blue and winding veins.

Sports Compression Socks offer a solution

Compression socks are essential to prevent varicose veins from getting worse. Compression socks provide external pressure on the muscle tissue, providing external support to the vessels and allowing the valves to fully open and close again.

I will not discuss surgical procedures or laser techniques here.  As described above, the PRO Herzog socks are extremely suitable for use as a support sock, as they are support socks but specifically developed for athletes. So they are more durable, breathe better and also look fashionable. With the wearing comfort of Herzog compression socks, you certainly don't have to feel like a patient if you have vascular problems.

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Paul Jongmans

Former physiotherapist NAC BREDA

“During my time as a physiotherapist at NAC Breda, I recommended the PRO Compression Shorts from Herzog Medical to many players. These trousers are worn both preventively and curatively. Within football, the incidence of groin and hamstring injuries is high. With Herzog shorts you, as a physiotherapist, have an extra tool to properly manage these problems.”

“During my time as a physiotherapist at NAC Breda, I recommended the PRO Compression Shorts from Herzog Medical to many players. These trousers are worn both preventively and curatively. Within football, the incidence of groin and hamstring injuries is high. With Herzog shorts you, as a physiotherapist, have an extra tool to properly manage these problems.”