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Both recreational and competitive tennis players benefit from the Herzog PRO Compression Socks. The compression socks reduce the risk of injuries.

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Do you recognize this? You're in the middle of a rally, a dropshot comes your way. You explode into a sprint towards the net and suddenly, a sharp pain shoots through your calf. Or maybe this scenario: It's late in the evening, the air is a bit chilly. Pressed for time, you skip the warm-up. You go for your first serve, just within reach, you make a quick sprint and… out of nowhere, it hits. Frustration kicks in as you realize your season is over. At least 3 weeks on the sidelines.


Lower leg injuries occur more frequently than those affecting the elbow, shoulder, or wrist. Calf strains and shin splints are particularly stubborn and repetitive. Often, these injuries stem from an incomplete or skipped warm-up, but there are other factors at play. The shock load from rapid direction changes, sudden accelerations, and abrupt stops puts immense strain on the lower legs, even with a proper warm-up. Depending on the severity of the calf or shin injury, you could be sidelined for three weeks or more.

Want to enjoy tennis without the worry of injuries? Reduce your risk with Herzog Sports Compression Socks.

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“I wear the compression socks during every effort, training and competition. Without the socks I quickly develop shin splint complaints and my calves become fuller by the day. My load capacity is increasing and I can now physically handle much more. I also wear the Herzog socks during long car rides and on the plane. The stockings are worth a lot to me.”

Nick van der Meer, tennis player

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PRO Compression Socks Black
PRO Sport Compression Arm Sleeves Black