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Drop foot, also called foot lifter's palsy, is a simple term for a complex problem. Damage to the nerve that controls the lifting muscles causes these muscles to weaken.

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What causes drop foot?

Normally, the levator muscles help keep the foot off the ground during the swing phase and ensure a controlled roll-off during the landing phase of walking. When the muscles are weak, the foot can no longer roll off normally, which disrupts the gait pattern. In order to get the foot off the ground during the swing phase, overcompensation is often made with the knee and hip, which results in the characteristic cock gait. The 'clap' in a drop foot can occur in two ways: by a lack of counterforce during heel strike, causing the forefoot to hit the ground with a thud, or by 'throwing' the forefoot forward during the swing phase to get the toes off the ground. Here too, there is insufficient counterforce to put the forefoot down softly, resulting in a thud.

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The application of Herzog Compression Socks after foot drop surgery

After a drop foot operation, you are advised to wear compression socks for the first few weeks after the cast has been removed. The Herzog PRO Compression Socks are suitable for this. The unique sizing system ensures the perfect fit and the stockings are medically certified.

The Herzog PRO Compression Socks offer high compression at the ankle, decreasing towards the knee. This optimises blood circulation. In addition, they reduce oedema formation after surgery.

The compression of the Herzog socks reduces pain and fatigue in the legs. They also support the muscles and tendons. Thanks to the high-quality materials and precise fit, the stockings remain comfortable throughout the day, which is essential for a successful recovery.

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Donning instructions

The Herzog PRO Compression Socks have a high compression level. This can make putting on the socks difficult after surgery. We can reassure you right away: a little resistance when putting them on is a sign that your socks offer exactly the right amount of compression! In the video next to this text we explain step by step how to put on the socks.