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Compression stockings are perfect for leg problems during pregnancy. High-tech compression promotes blood circulation in the legs. The result? Less trouble with restless legs, lower risk of varicose veins and no swollen legs. Prevent venous diseases and thrombosis effectively.

Pregnancy and compression socks
By wearing compression socks during your pregnancy you help your body to stimulate optimal blood circulation in your legs. This is due to the gradual compression (decreasing pressure from the ankle to the knee) in the socks. This means you experience less tired or painful legs and feet. You feel fitter. The compression socks provide that little bit of extra support to absorb the extra weight of the baby. Also wear the compression stockings on the couch in the evening for more rested legs. This is experienced as very pleasant, especially during the last few months.
But wearing compression stockings, also known as compression socks, also has the advantage that they reduce the risk of varicose veins. This is partly because blood circulation in the legs is stimulated, which means that the veins in the lower legs will become less swollen.
It is not without reason that midwives, general practitioners and gynecologists advise wearing “pregnancy stockings”, or compression socks.
Discover the Support series
Pregnancy and painful feet & legs
As a result of your pregnancy, your legs have to work harder than ever. The enormously increased blood volume and the extra weight of the growing baby have a major influence on your blood circulation. Add to that the increase in estrogen that causes blood vessel walls to relax and the result is painful feet & legs. Compression socks help with this because the stockings optimize blood circulation and evenly distribute the blows that your legs absorb while walking.
Pregnancy and fluid retention
When you are pregnant, one of the discomforts that comes with it is water retention in your body. Wearing a pair of compression socks prevents fluid retention. The pressure that the compression provides on your legs and feet ensures better blood flow from the lower limbs to the heart. This way you prevent the well-known 'knuckles', swollen feet and ankles, and the associated discomfort.