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Get more out of your training with the Herzog PRO Sport Compression Socks and Tubes. Prevent tired legs and recover significantly faster after activity. A perfect fit is guaranteed thanks to 6 measuring points!

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Maybe you can relate… You climb out of bed in the morning, and your body feels tired and heavy. You simply haven't recovered well from your training or competition. Triathlon is a sport that demands a lot of time, discipline, and countless training hours, often involving multiple sessions per day. That's why it's crucial for triathletes to recover effectively and quickly from one training session to tackle the next without issues.

Curious about how Compry Recovery and other Herzog products can give your performance and recovery a boost?

Minimize Muscle Damage

Completing a full or half triathlon is a significant strain on the body, and recovery can take a considerable amount of time. Did you know that, depending on your effort level, your body needs between 48 to 72 hours to repair damaged muscle cells? By using Herzog PRO socks during your race or training, you can significantly reduce muscle damage. The compression socks keep your calves so compact that they generate less strain on your calf muscles.

The "Triathlon Tube"

In the triathlon community, the Herzog PRO tube—the footless variant—is the go-to choice. These tubes are worn under the wetsuit while swimming and continue to be used during cycling and running.

Better Recovery Means Better Performance

After your exertion, wearing the PRO Compression Socks can help speed up your recovery by keeping them on for an extended period. Herzog socks promote blood circulation, allowing waste products from the metabolic process to be eliminated more quickly.

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Quick Transitions with PRO Tubes and Ankle Socks

Jokingly referred to as “the fourth discipline,” the two changes in triathlon can make or break your race time. Want to avoid wasting precious seconds during your transitions? Herzog tubes are ideal for triathletes. Since they are footless, they can be worn throughout the entire race, saving time during component switches. For running, you can pair the tube with our compression ankle socks to perform at your best.

Endorsement from the Dutch Triathlon Federation

Guido Vroemen, the medical officer of the Dutch Triathlon Federation, recommends Herzog PRO Compression Socks to both the duathlon and triathlon teams. He particularly praises the recovery-enhancing benefits of the socks.

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Your personal masseur

Do you want to have your personal masseuse at hand? The Compry Recovery is an invaluable recovery tool for triathletes looking to maximize their recovery after training or in between sessions. It's also perfect for those seeking to bounce back quickly after an injury.

Order your own Compry Recovery
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“Op training merk ik vooral veel voordeel tijdens zwaardere en langere trainingen. Bij gebruik van de PRO tubes verloopt mijn herstel veel vlotter waardoor ik sneller met frisse benen aan een volgende training kan beginnen. De PRO kousen gebruik ik dan weer vooral als ik moet reizen of een lange dag op de baan ben. De Herzog producten zijn voor mij dus een grote meerwaarde waar ik iedere keer opnieuw op kan vertrouwen!”

Pieter Heemeryck
- DOMO-Scott triathlon team

For the triathlete:

PRO Compression Tubes Blue
PRO Compression Socks Orange
Compry Recovery PRO
PRO Compression Ankle Socks Yellow