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Winter sports

Get more out of your winter sports with the Herzog Support Compression Socks. Prevent tired legs and recover significantly faster after a day on the slopes. A perfect fit is guaranteed thanks to 3 measuring points!

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Complete your winter sports outfit:

PRO Compression Ankle Socks White
PRO Sport Compression Shorts Black
Support Compression Sock Pink
PRO Compression Ankle Socks Green
Support Compression Sock Grey
PRO Compression Ankle Socks Pink
PRO Sport Compression Shorts White
Support Compression Sock Blue

Burning thighs?

Whether you’re an experienced skier or just starting out, the sensation of burning thighs is familiar to all of us. It’s not surprising, given that your thighs are constantly under tension and receive little rest. Ski boots alone place an "unusual load" on your body: your feet are positioned with heels slightly higher than your toes. To maintain balance, you have to bend your knees, which puts considerable and prolonged strain on the muscles at the front of your thighs. Some people feel the burning sensation after skiing for 3 kilometers, while others may experience it after just a few hundred meters. This discomfort is caused by the build-up of waste products in your thigh muscles. Did you know that th Herzog Pro Compression Pants help remove these waste products more efficiently during and after skiing? These pants are ideal for keeping you fresh on the slopes the next day!

No more cold feet

Do you always suffer from cold feet during your winter sports holiday? That makes sense... Simply put, your feet are far from your heart, so warm blood takes longer to reach them. This problem is exacerbated when the muscle-pumping effect of your calves is significantly hindered by static ski boots. With the Support Compression Sock, you can be assured of warm toes. The Support Sock features a slightly thicker footbed than our regular PRO Sport Compression Sock and is knitted with micro yarns that ensure optimal heat retention.

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Prevent Perform Recover

Maybe you recognize this… After a day of intense skiing or snowboarding, your legs can feel quite heavy in the evening. The next day, you might feel a bit stiff, experience sore calves, or even suffer from the first signs of cramps. Many winter sports enthusiasts also experience that burning sensation in their thighs. How can you ensure you hit the slopes with fresh legs every day during your winter sports holiday?

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Hoe ontstaan die vermoeide benen?

Veel mensen staan er niet bij stil… Tijdens het skiën en snowboarden vindt er geen optimale spierpompwerking plaats in je kuiten. Doordat je onderbenen vrijwel bewegingsloos in je ski- of snowboardschoen zitten, is de bloedcirculatie in je kuitspieren verre van ideaal. Vaak krijgen wintersportliefhebbers op dag twee of drie al te maken met vermoeide benen, stijve kuiten of rusteloze bovenbenen.

De Herzog Support Compressiekousen

De Herzog Support Compressiekous, ook wel een skikous genoemd, kan dit soort ongemakken voorkomen. Hoe zit dit precies? De kous comprimeert, dat wil zeggen duwt op je beenspieren, zodanig dat de hoogste druk op de enkel wordt uitgeoefend en afneemt richting de knie.

Het bloed in de aders, met daarin opgelost de afvalstoffen van het verbrandingsproces, wordt daardoor tegen de zwaartekracht in adequaat afgevoerd waardoor ook de toevoer van het slagaderlijke bloed niet meer wordt belemmerd. Zo is er sprake van een optimale microcirculatie. Het resultaat is dat je je minder vermoeid voelt en langer probleemloos door kunt skiën of boarden.

Wat maakt deze Compressiekous nu zo speciaal?

Het antwoord is simpel: maatwerk. De Herzog Support Compressiekous heeft een optimale werking door het speciale opmeetsysteem. Bij Herzog houden we er rekening mee dat elke wintersporter unieke beencontouren heeft.

Ter vergelijking: een lange skiër van 2 meter met schoenmaat 43 heeft andere kuitcontouren dan een wendbare snowboarder van 1,70 meter met dezelfde schoenmaat. Voor een optimale pasvorm is het de bedoeling dat je jouw onderbeen op een aantal punten opmeet. Wil je jouw confectiemaat bepalen? Via de ‘bereken jouw maat’ button kun je eenvoudig zien hoe dit moet.

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Expert Image

Elle Kempenears

Pro skier, Belgium

I broke my leg for the second time while alpine skiing and knew that rehabilitation would be difficult. To get back to sports faster, I contacted Herzog about their compression socks. Thanks to their compression socks, I suffered much less from fluid retention and shin splints, so I was able to walk again in no time during my rehabilitation. I am now back on my skis much faster than during my first rehabilitation. The compression tubes and socks are also easy to wear under my ski socks and provide extra shock absorption while skiing. Herzog Medical certainly helped me with a smoother recovery.

I broke my leg for the second time while alpine skiing and knew that rehabilitation would be difficult. To get back to sports faster, I contacted Herzog about their compression socks. Thanks to their compression socks, I suffered much less from fluid retention and shin splints, so I was able to walk again in no time during my rehabilitation. I am now back on my skis much faster than during my first rehabilitation. The compression tubes and socks are also easy to wear under my ski socks and provide extra shock absorption while skiing. Herzog Medical certainly helped me with a smoother recovery.

Winter sports