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Winter sports

Get more out of your winter sports with the Herzog Support Compression Socks. Prevent tired legs and recover significantly faster after a day on the slopes. A perfect fit is guaranteed thanks to 3 measuring points!

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Complete your winter sports outfit:

Support Compression Sock Pink
Support Compression Sock Grey
PRO Sport Compression Shorts Black
PRO Compression Ankle Socks White
Support Compression Sock Blue
PRO Compression Ankle Socks Green
PRO Compression Ankle Socks Pink
PRO Sport Compression Shorts White

Brandende bovenbenen?

Of je nu een geoefende of ongeoefende skiër bent, die brandende bovenbenen kennen we allemaal. Niet vreemd want je bovenbenen staan constant op spanning en krijgen weinig rust. Alleen jouw skischoenen vragen al om een ‘ongewone belasting’: je voeten staan in een stand waarbij de hielen ietsje hoger staan dan je tenen. Om evenwicht te bewaren, moet je dus door je knieën zakken. Hiermee worden de spieren aan de voorzijde van het bovenbeen behoorlijk en langdurig belast. De één ervaart pas na een afdaling van 3 kilometer het gevoel van vermoeide of brandende bovenbenen, de ander al na een paar honderd meter. De oorzaak hiervan is een stapeling van afvalstoffen in je bovenbenen. Wist je dat de Herzog Pro Compressiebroek ervoor zorgt dat deze afvalstoffen zowel tijdens, maar zeker ook na het skiën gemakkelijker worden afgevoerd? Ideaal wanneer je de volgende dag weer fris op de piste wil staan!

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Nooit meer koude voeten

Altijd last van koude voeten tijdens je wintersportvakantie? Logisch ook wel… Want simpel gezegd zijn je voeten ver van je hart verwijderd en dus komt het warme bloed hier minder snel en gemakkelijk. Zeker niet wanneer de spierpompwerking van jouw kuiten in je statische skischoenen behoorlijk belemmerd wordt. Met de Support Compressiekous ben je verzekerd van warme tenen. De kous heeft namelijk een wat dikker voetbed dan onze reguliere PRO Sport Compressiekous en is gebreid met microgarens die een ideale warmte-uitwisseling garanderen.

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Prevent Perform Recover

Maybe you recognize this… After a day of intense skiing or snowboarding, your legs can feel quite heavy in the evening. The next day, you might feel a bit stiff, experience sore calves, or even suffer from the first signs of cramps. Many winter sports enthusiasts also experience that burning sensation in their thighs. How can you ensure you hit the slopes with fresh legs every day during your winter sports holiday?

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What causes tired legs?

Many people don't think about it... When skiing and snowboarding, there is no optimal muscle pumping effect in your calves. Because your lower legs are virtually motionless in your ski or snowboard boot, the blood circulation in your calf muscles is far from ideal. Winter sports enthusiasts often experience tired legs, stiff calves or restless thighs on day two or three.

The Herzog Support Compression Stockings

The Herzog Support Compression Stocking, also called a ski stocking, can prevent this type of discomfort. How exactly does this work? The stocking compresses, i.e. pushes on your leg muscles, in such a way that the highest pressure is exerted on the ankle and decreases towards the knee.

The blood in the veins, with the waste products from the combustion process dissolved in it, is therefore adequately drained against gravity, so that the supply of arterial blood is no longer obstructed. This ensures optimal microcirculation. The result is that you feel less tired and can continue skiing or boarding for longer without any problems.

What makes this Compression Stocking so special?

The answer is simple: customization. The Herzog Support Compression Stocking has an optimal effect due to the special measuring system. At Herzog we take into account that every winter sports enthusiast has unique leg contours.

For comparison: a tall skier of 2 meters with shoe size 43 has different calf contours than an agile snowboarder of 1.70 meters with the same shoe size. For an optimal fit, you are supposed to measure your lower leg at a number of points. Would you like to determine your clothing size? You can easily see how to do this via the 'calculate your size' button.

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Expert Image

Elle Kempenears

Pro skier, Belgium

I broke my leg for the second time while alpine skiing and knew that rehabilitation would be difficult. To get back to sports faster, I contacted Herzog about their compression socks. Thanks to their compression socks, I suffered much less from fluid retention and shin splints, so I was able to walk again in no time during my rehabilitation. I am now back on my skis much faster than during my first rehabilitation. The compression tubes and socks are also easy to wear under my ski socks and provide extra shock absorption while skiing. Herzog Medical certainly helped me with a smoother recovery.

I broke my leg for the second time while alpine skiing and knew that rehabilitation would be difficult. To get back to sports faster, I contacted Herzog about their compression socks. Thanks to their compression socks, I suffered much less from fluid retention and shin splints, so I was able to walk again in no time during my rehabilitation. I am now back on my skis much faster than during my first rehabilitation. The compression tubes and socks are also easy to wear under my ski socks and provide extra shock absorption while skiing. Herzog Medical certainly helped me with a smoother recovery.

Winter sports