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Calf complaints

Do you ever suffer from stiff calves during or after running? You are not the only runner with calf complaints. Whether you suffer from stiff muscles or muscle tear: Herzog PRO Compression Socks are used to prevent calf injuries or to promote their recovery.

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How do you prevent calf complaints?

Stiff calves and increased muscle tension are often caused by overload. This stiffness occurs when you increase training size and intensity too quickly. Lactic acid builds up in your muscles and causes fatigue and stiffness. Increased muscle tension reduces blood flow to the calf muscles. Fortunately, you can do a lot yourself to prevent and relieve stiff calves.

Give yourself a massage, loosen your calves with a massage gun, or do stretching exercises to reduce muscle tension. This ensures good blood circulation. Use Herzog PRO Compression Stockings to stimulate your blood circulation and combat stiff calves. The stockings remove waste products from the combustion process faster and more effectively, reducing muscle tension and helping you recover faster.

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What to do in case of calf complaints?

If your body makes a lot of effort, sudden cramps can occur due to various causes. Too much stretching of the calf muscles due to hill training or sprinting often causes complaints. A hard surface requires extra cushioning of the calf muscle, while a muddy surface requires extra muscle tension to maintain your walking speed.

Give yourself a massage, loosen your calves with a massage gun, or do stretching exercises to reduce muscle tension. This ensures good blood circulation. Use Herzog PRO Compression Socks to stimulate your blood circulation and combat stiff calves. The socks remove waste products from the combustion process faster and more effectively, reducing muscle tension and helping you recover faster.

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Do you want to do something immediately against calf cramps?

Bring the muscle into a relaxed state. Bend your knee and gently pull your foot up while shaking your calf loose with the other hand. Repeat this maneuver several times, because the muscle sometimes goes into cramp again when you tighten it again.

What to do if you get whiplash?

Many athletes experience a tear (muscle tear) in the calf. Such a crack often occurs during an explosive movement that requires a lot of force. The tear is usually in the inner (medial) part of the gastrocnemius, the two-headed calf muscle at the back of the lower leg, at the muscle-tendon junction.

How you treat mucle tear depends on the severity of the injury. Responsible rebuilding of the damaged muscle's function often takes a lot of time and recovery begins with the calf muscle contracting without any load. During recovery from muscle tear and training build-up, it is advisable to wear Herzog Sport Compression Socks. This not only reduces the risk of a new muscle tear, but also accelerates the healing process. Herzog socks ensure that the wound edges of the muscle tear in the calf are pressed together like a kind of adhesive plaster.

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Niets is frustrerender dan geblesseerd zijn. Bij Herzog werken we nauw samen met een team van fysiotherapeuten, bewegingswetenschappers en loopexperts die precies weten hoe het voelt. Heb je specifieke vragen over jouw blessure of zoek je revalidatietips? Stel je vragen over blessures, herstel en preventie aan één van onze toegewijde experts. Wij staan klaar om je weer op weg te helpen.

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How do I prevent my injury from recurring?

Wearing Herzog PRO Compression Socks during exercise keeps the calf muscle compactly together, which significantly reduces muscle damage. You reduce the shock load on your calves and there is less tension on your Achilles tendons and tibia. It is important to realize that after a calf injury, scar tissue almost always remains in the muscle. This scar tissue does not have the elasticity of the surrounding muscle tissue and often forms a weak spot in the calf muscle. Herzog stockings significantly reduce the risk of scar formation due to the compressing adhesive plaster effect and also reduce the risk of a new muscle tear.

Herzog vs. other compression socks: what is the difference?

What is the difference between (lightly supportive) compression socks and Herzog Compression Socks?

Herzog compression socks are a recognized medical device whose effectiveness has been scientifically proven.

Herzog socks are unique because the clothing size is determined based on your leg measurements. Your leg measurements determine the shape and pressure profile of your Herzog sock. With almost all other compression brands, the size is determined based on the shoe size and/or the calf circumference. However, for a perfect compression progression it is essential that 5 leg sizes are included. After all, two athletes with the same shoe size can have completely different leg contours. Consider, for example, the difference in calf circumference of a sprinter and a road athlete.

Herzog socks offer significantly more pressure than other brands: more than 30 mmHg at ankle level and 23 mmHG below the knee. Most other brands only deliver around a maximum of 19 mmHg. For optimal blood circulation and injury prevention, 30 mmHg is an absolute requirement.

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