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Hockey is an injury-prone sport. Muscles and tendons have to endure a lot during fierce sprints, explosive flats and push movements and constant twisting and turning. Fortunately, more and more hockey players are experiencing the benefits of the PRO Compression Shorts. These compression pants prevent hamstring and groin injuries.

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The Herzog PRO Compression Socks and Tubes have become indispensable in the running world. Herzog Medical is known as the founder and market leader in the Benelux in the field of compression within the sports world. You have undoubtedly seen Herzog products on the hockey field. For example, many hockey players wear the Herzog tubes under their shin guards.

Less muscle pain. What about that?
Socks that promote recovery and prevent injuries? How does that work then? The Herzog PRO Compression Socks come from the medical world and have been further developed to meet the needs of athletes. Due to the relatively high pressure, the socks reduce the shock load on the calves, preventing muscle damage. The socks have a preventive effect on calf complaints, Achilles tendon problems and muscle strains. In addition, the blood flow from the capillary network towards the heart is optimized. This means that the waste products from the combustion process are removed more quickly and as an athlete you experience less muscle pain.

Calf, Achilles tendon and shin complaints
In the medical world, the Therapeutic Elastic Compression Sock is used for people with varicose veins or edema (fluid retention) in the legs. They benefit from wearing these socks that closely enclose the lower leg. The experiences among athletes with calf, Achilles tendon and shin complaints or another lower leg injury also point in this direction.

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Our goals

PRO Compression Socks Orange
PRO Sport Compression Shorts Black
Recovery Gun
PRO Compression Tubes Blue
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“Bij een liesbroek is het voor mij belangrijk dat deze stevig aanvoelt en dat ik toch vrij kan bewegen. De Herzog compressiebroek biedt mij die ideale combinatie waardoor ik zonder angst voor lies- of hamstringblessures kan bewegen.”

Pieter-Jan Voerman - Schaerweijde