You might recognize this... You’ve been dealing with a persistent pain in your shin during your training for a while. It’s important to pay attention to these issues. Many volleyball players suffer from shin splints, which occur when the tissue around the shins becomes inflamed from all the jumping. Achilles tendon and calf injuries are also common among volleyball players.
Prevent Volleyball Injuries with Herzog Sport Compression Socks
Herzog PRO Sport Compression Socks help keep your calves firm and compact. The compression reduces lateral movement of the calf muscles, which decreases the strain on the tissue around the shins. This minimizes shock impact, helping to prevent muscle and tendon damage. Additionally, Herzog socks enhance blood circulation, allowing waste products to be removed more quickly. As a result, you recover faster after intense training or matches!
Top Volleyball Player Speaks Out
Elite volleyballers understand better than anyone the challenge of constantly balancing on the edge of maximum exertion. Many players from the national team use Herzog PRO compression socks as a preventive measure. Robin de Kruijf, a former middle blocker for Team NL, now plays exclusively with Herzog socks.

“Mijn kuiten waren altijd mijn zwakke plek. Vanaf het moment dat ik Herzog kousen draag voelen mijn kuiten niet meer hard en gespannen na een training of wedstrijd waar ik veel moet springen. Ik zou echt niet meer zonder kunnen.”