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Recover with Herzog stockings

Did you know that Herzog compression socks reduce muscle fatigue and promote the removal of waste? This ensures that you experience a faster recovery from your efforts. By wearing our compression socks after training and/or the day after a heavy training session, you prevent swelling in your legs and loss of performance during your next training and/or competition.

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Benefits of Compression Recovery Socks

Experience energetic legs after physical exertion or sitting for a long time! Less painful legs and faster recovery after training or from an injury. Ideal to wear immediately after exertion, thanks to optimal wearing comfort.

Ensures faster recovery
Accelerate the recovery process of injuries such as shin splints, calf and Achilles tendonitis by wearing the Herzog PRO Compression Socks. Your recovery will be accelerated by improving the drainage of blood and fluid.

Perfect wearing comfort
The perfect fit makes the stockings feel soft and comfortable. This means you will not experience any discomfort from the strengthening and firm feeling that the compression gives to your legs.

Experience less muscle pain
Herzog Compression Socks reduce muscle pain and muscle fatigue. This way you can start every training and/or match fit again.

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Proven effective

Recent Australian research has now shown that 'reducing muscle fatigue is highly dependent on the rapid removal of fluid and waste products from the muscle tissue'.

The researchers had two groups of runners do a maximum exercise test (to maximum exhaustion) two weeks before they ran a marathon. One group wore compression socks with said relatively high pressure for 48 hours immediately after the marathon, both during the day and at night. The other group wore 'placebo stockings' with very little compression.

Two weeks after the marathon, both groups performed another maximum exercise test. The group with the placebo socks performed 3.4% worse than two weeks before the marathon, the group that wore real compression socks performed significantly better: two weeks after their marathon, the runners even performed 2.6% better than two weeks before the marathon.

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Recover with these products:

Compry Recovery
Compry Recovery PRO
Recovery Gun
PRO Compression Socks Black
Support Compression Sock Black
PRO Compression Ankle Socks Black