The medical application of the Herzog socks
We regularly receive questions about the use of our socks by runners and their injury-preventing effect. For example, how do our socks help prevent muscle pain, calf cramps, muscle tear, shin splints and Achilles tendon problems? In addition, we regularly receive questions about others medical problems than just sports injuries. These often concern questions about general vascular problems, for example thrombosis, varicose veins, edema formation, restless legs , as if our socks were support socks. As the founder of Herzog, in this contribution I try to discuss these often blood circulation-related issues one by one.
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What are Compression Socks or Therapeutic Elastic Stockings (TEK)?

First of all, a brief introduction to the world of support socks, officially TEK, but for convenience let's stick to support socks. These socks are supplied on prescription via the bandagist and must meet strict conditions:

  • Condition 1
    There must be a pressure gradient from distal to proximal. This is the medical term for: further away from the heart / towards the heart.
  • Condition 2
    The sock must follow the leg contour very accurately.
  • Condition 3
    Compression socks must always fit within a certain compression class. If not, they should not be called compression socks.

For information: there are 4 compression classes that are used depending on the medical image. The Herzog PRO compression socks is the only sock in the sports industry that meets all the above conditions. That is very special because they are sports compression socks. What is unique is that our socks are manufactured on the same machines on which support socks are knitted. With the PRO socks, the pressure runs from ankle to knee. Our socks also provide the most compression in the sport, 30 mmHg at the ankle to 23 mmHg below the knee (mmHg stands for 'millimeters of mercury pressure'). This amount of compression falls in the high end of pressure class 2, even on the border of pressure class 3.

“In the sports industry, only the Herzog PRO Compression Socks meet the TEK requirement”

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The perfect dimensions

In order to meet all these conditions, so that not too much or too little compression is provided, the leg of the Herzog PRO socks is measured at 5 points. Combined with the shoe size, these are 6 variables, exactly as with the support sock.

You see that more and more so-called sports compression socks are appearing on the market these days. Compression is apparently 'hot'. With many brands, the shoe size determines the size or at best the calf circumference. However, that shoe size says nothing about the shape or length of your leg. If you have socks that do not fit your legs, there will be no effect. You can probably imagine that a gymnast of 150 cm height and weighing 50 kg needs a completely different sock than a volleyball player of 200 cm and 90 kg.

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Every leg is unique

Just imagine the calf size of a sprinter with shoe size 43 and a wiry marathon runner with the same shoe size. Both have a completely different calf contour. It is therefore completely impossible to determine a clothing size based on a shoe size alone. The same applies to measuring just the calf. Compare someone of 170 cm with a calf circumference of 40 cm and an athlete of 190 cm with the same calf circumference. The pressure is completely wrongly distributed in one of the two.

A bit of a long story, but it is important to know that the Herzog PRO sock is the only sock that meets all the qualifications for a support sock! As the only manufacturer of compression socks in sports, everything we claim is also 'evidence based', So studies prove all our statements. The sizing is very extensive, no fewer than 6 circumference sizes, 3 shaft lengths combined with 3 shoe sizes. So 54 sizes per color. This is the only guarantee for optimal pressure progression of a sock that fits around your individual leg.

“As the only manufacturer of compression socks in sports, everything we claim is also evidence-based”

I conclude this contribution by stating that our socks can be used for the aforementioned vascular problems, but always after your practitioner has agreed to this. I want to emphasize that you should never start doctoring on your own. In the contributions below I will specifically discuss the aforementioned vascular problems.

Expert Image

Paul Jongmans

Former physiotherapist NAC BREDA

“During my time as a physiotherapist at NAC Breda, I recommended the PRO Compression Shorts from Herzog Medical to many players. These trousers are worn both preventively and curatively. Within football, the incidence of groin and hamstring injuries is high. With Herzog shorts you, as a physiotherapist, have an extra tool to properly manage these problems.”

“During my time as a physiotherapist at NAC Breda, I recommended the PRO Compression Shorts from Herzog Medical to many players. These trousers are worn both preventively and curatively. Within football, the incidence of groin and hamstring injuries is high. With Herzog shorts you, as a physiotherapist, have an extra tool to properly manage these problems.”