5 Tips to maintain your running drive!

You can train your willpower! Do you want to know how?

Is your discipline also hard to find at the moment? The rainy weather, the 'after-holiday blues' or muscle soreness from your previous workout... plenty of excuses to skip your workout again. Often under the guise: 'yes, but tomorrow I'll really take up running'. Do you often find yourself sticking to your exercise resolutions for a week and then abandoning them again? How can you ensure that you maintain your running drive? This has everything to do with willpower . Well...that's kicking in an open door. But did you know that you can train that willpower very easily? We give you 5 tips to stick to your resolutions.

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You can train your willpower! Do you want to know how?

Is your discipline also hard to find at the moment? The rainy weather, the 'after-holiday blues' or muscle soreness from your previous workout... plenty of excuses to skip your workout again. Often under the guise:'yes, but tomorrow I'll really take up running'.Do you often find yourself sticking to your exercise resolutions for a week and then abandoning them again? How can you ensure that you maintain your running drive? This has everything to do with willpower. Well...that's kicking in an open door. But did you know that you can train that willpower very easily? We give you 5 tips to stick to your resolutions.

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Track your progress

Install a sports app, such as Strava, that monitors your activities and progress. Strava uses GPS to keep track of the basics of your running session: time, distance, speed and a route map of where you ran and when. In addition, the app provides a nice weekly overview of the kilometers you have driven. How cool is it when you see this number increase a little every week. Do you want to get started with running in a very structured way? Strava also has the option to set a 'weekly goal'.

Reward yourself

Treat yourself to something new every now and then for your sports wardrobe. With a sports outfit that fits comfortably, your self-confidence will automatically get a boost! And besides, it is extra fun to stroll through the park in a beautiful, new set.Herzog PRO Sport Compression Socks and tube sare a fashionable and functional accessory. When running you limit the risk of Achilles tendon pain, calf complaints and shin splint injuries. The shock-absorbing effect of the socks means there is less tension on your tendons and Achilles tendon. There is also less muscle tissue damage. The effect? Less muscle pain and legs that feel fresh for the next run! Herzog socks are available in all kinds of colors and complete your sports look.

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Make sure you get enough sleep

This one may sound a bit cliché… Everyone knows how important a good night's sleep is. But did you know that too little sleep also has a major effect on your willpower? Refueling with coffee or quick sugars after a short night often does not work. When you sleep regularly and sleep 7/8 hours, you wake up rested. This has a big impact on your energy level and automatically makes it easier to get into your running shoes fresh and fruity in the morning.

After these tips, another excuse not to go out...? Didn't think so: you will be fit into the autumn!


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Paul Jongmans

Former physiotherapist NAC BREDA

“During my time as a physiotherapist at NAC Breda, I recommended the PRO Compression Shorts from Herzog Medical to many players. These trousers are worn both preventively and curatively. Within football, the incidence of groin and hamstring injuries is high. With Herzog shorts you, as a physiotherapist, have an extra tool to properly manage these problems.”

“During my time as a physiotherapist at NAC Breda, I recommended the PRO Compression Shorts from Herzog Medical to many players. These trousers are worn both preventively and curatively. Within football, the incidence of groin and hamstring injuries is high. With Herzog shorts you, as a physiotherapist, have an extra tool to properly manage these problems.”