5 Crucial tips to stay injury-free in the gym
As an athlete, one of the most annoying things you can experience is sustaining an injury. Injuries are also common in the gym. Here you mainly see overuse injuries or acute injuries, such as spraining the ankle. Whatever sport you practice, there is always a risk of injury. Fortunately, you can minimize that risk as much as possible. Below you can read 5 crucial tips that will help you stay injury-free in the gym!
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1. Provide foot and ankle stability

Within strength training, it is essential to keep your lower legs and feet stable, because they form the basis for many strength exercises and are often the point of contact with the ground. In exercises such as squats or deadlifts, weak ankles can lead to incorrect movements, which can strain the knees or lower back and lead to injuries. The Herzog PRO Compression Socks provide extra support to the lower leg and ankles, relieving the joints and reducing the risk of injuries.

2. Good recovery between training sessions is key

During strength training, the muscles normally experience damage, which is a natural process. However, they also need time to recover and get stronger, and this recovery is crucial for muscle growth. The Herzog PRO Compression Socks and Shorts play a role in this recovery process, especially in the lower legs and upper legs, ensuring you are fully recovered for your next training session. Insufficient recovery can lead to overload and therefore hinder your progress.

During an intense workout, lactic acid quickly accumulates in the muscles, which can lead to muscle pain. Good blood circulation is therefore very important to quickly remove these waste products from the muscles. The Herzog PRO Compression Socks are also a useful tool for this. By wearing them during or after your workout, you promote blood circulation and the removal of waste products in your legs, minimizing muscle pain and allowing you to continue your workouts effectively.

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3. Get a good night's sleep

Sleep is often overlooked when it comes to muscle building, but it is actually an essential link. The hormones testosterone and growth hormone play a crucial role in muscle building after exercise, and these are mainly produced during sleep. Research shows that at least 7 hours of sleep is necessary for optimal muscle growth after exercise.

A lack of sleep also makes you more susceptible to injuries, often due to overuse of certain muscle groups. So it's important to get enough sleep to not only promote muscle growth, but also prevent injuries.

4. Drink enough water

Adequate hydration is vital for your body. It is advisable to drink a large amount of water before your workout, so that you start your workout well hydrated. During training it is important to drink approximately 250 ml of water every 15 minutes. This promotes muscle growth after a strength training session, because a fluid deficiency can negatively affect hormone levels, such as testosterone and growth hormone.

During exercise you lose a lot of fluid through perspiration, which can lead to dehydration and muscle cramps. A lack of fluid makes your blood thicker and complicates the circulation of oxygen and energy to your muscles. After exercising, it is also important to continue drinking water to prevent muscle pain, because your body is still cooling down. Insufficient fluid and minerals can damage the fibers of your muscles and increase the risk of injuries such as strains and tears.

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5. Ensure a good warm-up and cool-down

A good warm-up prepares your body for the upcoming training. Your heart rate increases, your blood circulation accelerates and your muscles receive more oxygen and energy. During the warm-up, your airways open, allowing you to absorb more oxygen. As the name suggests, your muscles also warm up, which allows better metabolism in the muscles. In addition, your brain signals to your body that it is going from rest to effort. In combination with stretching exercises, this ensures that your body is ready to perform. This significantly reduces the risk of overload or tearing of muscles and tendons.
During strength training, Herzog PRO Compression Socks and Shorts can help keep your muscles warm throughout the entire workout, minimizing the risk of injuries.

After your workout, it's essential to cool down, no matter how tempting it is to head straight home after a tough session. Just like a warm-up, a cool-down has many benefits that are often overlooked. It helps to calm your blood circulation and heart rate, if you reduce your heart rate too quickly you may experience a dizzy feeling.
Staying active can, in turn, help prevent muscle soreness by allowing your heart to continue removing the lactic acid produced during exercise.

If you want to optimally support this process and really minimize muscle pain, Herzog PRO Compression products can come in handy. These help the heart remove waste products by decreasing pressure. This means you will recover faster and be ready for your next training. Staying injury-free in the gym is a lot easier with Herzog Medical!

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Paul Jongmans

Former physiotherapist NAC BREDA

“During my time as a physiotherapist at NAC Breda, I recommended the PRO Compression Shorts from Herzog Medical to many players. These trousers are worn both preventively and curatively. Within football, the incidence of groin and hamstring injuries is high. With Herzog shorts you, as a physiotherapist, have an extra tool to properly manage these problems.”

“During my time as a physiotherapist at NAC Breda, I recommended the PRO Compression Shorts from Herzog Medical to many players. These trousers are worn both preventively and curatively. Within football, the incidence of groin and hamstring injuries is high. With Herzog shorts you, as a physiotherapist, have an extra tool to properly manage these problems.”