No more tired legs with the Support Walking Sock

Do you often have heavy legs or tired feet after walking? Hikers often have to deal with swollen feet, stiff legs or swollen ankles. This can really hinder the enjoyment of walking. If you want to prevent these discomforts, Herzog Support Compression Socks can be used offer a solution. Do you want to know how this works?

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Prevent tired legs

During a long walk, your body breaks down muscle tissue. This sounds intense, but it is in fact a normal process from which you fortunately recover quickly. However, too much breakdown is not good because muscle tissue is protein and these muscle cell particles bind moisture in the muscle tissue. The result of muscle breakdown is that fluid (edema) develops in your lower legs. When too much fluid accumulates in the intercellular space, this means that there is no optimal blood flow. In this case, the 'return transport' of the venous blood, containing the waste products of the combustion process and carbon dioxide, is seriously hampered. Fortunately, Herzog Support Socks provide a solution. Support socks provide increased pressure on the muscle tissue, forcing excess fluid from the intercellular space back into the blood circulation.

The Support Walking Compression Sock

It is a well-known phenomenon that walkers often retain some fluid around the ankle or foot. You often see that hikers put their legs high afterwards or visit the masseur every now and then. The moisture-wicking properties of the Support compression sock make this sock an important tool if you want to recover faster or prevent known walking injuries.

The Support Compression Sock vs PRO Sport Compression Sock

Just like the well-known Herzog PRO Sport Compression Sock, which is mainly used while running, the Support Sock has a decreasing pressure profile from the ankle to the knee. The difference between the PRO and Support sock is the amount of compression. Where the PRO socks offer quite a lot of compression (30mmHg at ankle level), the Support socks offer slightly less compression (25mmHg at ankle level). Since the impact of landing during walking (1 ½ times body weight) is considerably less than during running (3 times body weight), stockings with slightly less compression are sufficient. The Support socks are therefore very suitable for walking.

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The perfect fit with Herzog

For optimal performance, compression socks must fit exactly to your leg contours. It is therefore important that you measure your legs at several points via our size app. This way you are always assured of the correct fit. With Support socks you are also guaranteed good heat exchange. The socks are knitted with microfibers and anti-bacterial yarns.

PRO Compression ankle socks

Do you want extra support for your feet while walking? The Herzog Compression Ankle Socks keep the arch of the foot under tension. These sports socks also prevent irritation of the heel plate under the foot and support the heel-instep line. The tendon sheet that connects the heel bone to the ball of the forefoot runs under the foot. The extra compression of the Herzog ankle sock ensures that the natural curvature of the sole of the foot is maintained and the tendon plate is relieved. This allows the arch of the foot to sag less. In addition, the firm compression around the heel-instep line ensures that the fatty layer around the heel bone remains intact.

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Paul Jongmans

Former physiotherapist NAC BREDA

“During my time as a physiotherapist at NAC Breda, I recommended the PRO Compression Shorts from Herzog Medical to many players. These trousers are worn both preventively and curatively. Within football, the incidence of groin and hamstring injuries is high. With Herzog shorts you, as a physiotherapist, have an extra tool to properly manage these problems.”

“During my time as a physiotherapist at NAC Breda, I recommended the PRO Compression Shorts from Herzog Medical to many players. These trousers are worn both preventively and curatively. Within football, the incidence of groin and hamstring injuries is high. With Herzog shorts you, as a physiotherapist, have an extra tool to properly manage these problems.”