Prevent Achilles tendon complaints with Herzog PRO Compression Socks

Are you struggling with an Achilles tendon injury? Does your tendon seem to have a mind of its own and does it make you despondent? An injury to the Achilles tendon is annoying. Many athletes become impatient over time. is difficult as a fanatic to keep calm. Moreover, rest is not always the solution to get rid of an Achilles tendon problem. How do you deal with an Achilles tendon injury? Can Herzog Compression Socks provide the extra support you need when recovering from your painful Achilles tendon?

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Sore Achilles tendon? Listen to the first signals!

Achilles tendon injuries can gradually develop into a chronic pain complaint. This is because tendon tissue recovers relatively slowly. In many cases, Achilles tendon complaints arise from the calf muscles. Maybe you recognize it... After a tough workout, you increasingly experience stiff calves and/or muscle pain. Stiff calves are often caused by local muscle tension and are a first sign that your calves could use some extra support.

Many athletes, especially runners, sooner or later experience pain in the Achilles tendon. An Achilles tendon injury often occurs due to overuse. There are several factors that can cause Achilles tendon complaints:

Overload due to increasing the training intensity too quickly. Many runners are often too fanatical about increasing their training kilometers.

Long-term or monotonous strain on your tendons. This can reduce the quality and elasticity of your Achilles tendon, ultimately causing tissue damage.

Overpronation, weak calf muscles or wearing the wrong sports shoes. By training in shoes that do not suit your foot type and training load, the load on your Achilles tendon can become too great.

What do Herzog Compression Socks do?

By wearing Herzog PRO Sport Compression Socks while exercising, you support and stimulate your calf muscles. When you run, you absorb up to 3 times your own body weight with each stride. This places a very high load on your Achilles tendons. Herzog Compression Socks have a decreasing pressure profile from the ankle to the knee, which keeps the calf muscle very 'compact'. This special pressure gradient ensures that your calf moves less back and forth with each stride landing and the shock load on your lower leg is absorbed more efficiently. This means there is less pull on your Achilles tendons and there is also less muscle damage. In addition, Herzog compression socks stimulate blood circulation, which means that waste products from the combustion process are removed more quickly. So you will also experience significantly less muscle pain.

Scientifically proven

Herzog Medical is constantly in discussions with (para)medics and knitting engineers. Did you know that our socks are the only compression socks whose effectiveness has been scientifically proven? In addition, we work from the philosophy that every athlete is unique. After all, every athlete has different calf contours. Herzog Medical therefore has an innovative measuring system in which the leg is measured at 6 points. This way, you as an athlete are always assured of the perfect fit and optimal compression progression!

Expert Image

Paul Jongmans

Former physiotherapist NAC BREDA

“During my time as a physiotherapist at NAC Breda, I recommended the PRO Compression Shorts from Herzog Medical to many players. These trousers are worn both preventively and curatively. Within football, the incidence of groin and hamstring injuries is high. With Herzog shorts you, as a physiotherapist, have an extra tool to properly manage these problems.”

“During my time as a physiotherapist at NAC Breda, I recommended the PRO Compression Shorts from Herzog Medical to many players. These trousers are worn both preventively and curatively. Within football, the incidence of groin and hamstring injuries is high. With Herzog shorts you, as a physiotherapist, have an extra tool to properly manage these problems.”