Restless legs and the application of Herzog PRO Compression Socks
We also regularly receive the question whether our socks can help with the so-called “Restless Legs Syndrome” (RSL). What happens with this condition and can you do something about it?
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Restless legs, what does that mean?

If you suffer from restless legs, you tend to want to constantly move your legs. It is uncontrollable and this annoying tickling in your lower legs does not go away when you are resting. This feeling often occurs after sitting for a long time, before going to sleep or even while sleeping. This feeling in itself is very unpleasant, but it is not a cause for concern. It often occurs in families. Lack of exercise can be a cause in addition to obesity, smoking and alcohol consumption. It really doesn't mean that all those indications have to exist. Not much is known about this phenomenon yet. The advice is of course obvious if you recognize yourself as a smoker or regular drinker. It is recommended that you exercise regularly to activate the calf muscle pumping effect. Medicines are often used to reduce the symptoms.

There are also indications that compression socks can make a useful contribution to reducing complaints. The Herzog Support socks can best be used here. These are socks with slightly less compression than the Herzog PRO socks. The advantage is that you can also wear these socks while sleeping, so when you are in a horizontal position. The PRO socks may provide a little too much compression.

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Paul Jongmans

Former physiotherapist NAC BREDA

“During my time as a physiotherapist at NAC Breda, I recommended the PRO Compression Shorts from Herzog Medical to many players. These trousers are worn both preventively and curatively. Within football, the incidence of groin and hamstring injuries is high. With Herzog shorts you, as a physiotherapist, have an extra tool to properly manage these problems.”

“During my time as a physiotherapist at NAC Breda, I recommended the PRO Compression Shorts from Herzog Medical to many players. These trousers are worn both preventively and curatively. Within football, the incidence of groin and hamstring injuries is high. With Herzog shorts you, as a physiotherapist, have an extra tool to properly manage these problems.”