The sportiest Mother's Day gifts

Sunday, May 12 is again the day to put your mother in the spotlight. Do you have no idea what to give your sporty mother this year? Would you like to make her happy with a special gift? No worries. We have selected a number of original sporty gifts for you. With these tips you will not only give your mother a great gift, but also a portion of extra sports motivation!

Psssst… Do you want your mother to get a new pair? Herzog PRO sports compression socks but you don't know her size? We have a tip! Check which clothing size she has by looking under the foot of an older pair. (Or ask her sweetly if she measures her here want to fill in.)

Does your mother not like pink? Our products are available in various colours.

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Paul Jongmans

Former physiotherapist NAC BREDA

“During my time as a physiotherapist at NAC Breda, I recommended the PRO Compression Shorts from Herzog Medical to many players. These trousers are worn both preventively and curatively. Within football, the incidence of groin and hamstring injuries is high. With Herzog shorts you, as a physiotherapist, have an extra tool to properly manage these problems.”

“During my time as a physiotherapist at NAC Breda, I recommended the PRO Compression Shorts from Herzog Medical to many players. These trousers are worn both preventively and curatively. Within football, the incidence of groin and hamstring injuries is high. With Herzog shorts you, as a physiotherapist, have an extra tool to properly manage these problems.”