The truth about compression socks

More than twenty years ago they suddenly appeared: Herzog PRO Sport Compression Socks. These socks with that characteristic H on the shin have now become an indispensable part of the sports world. The fact that there are numerous different compression socks on the market today indicates that compression is 'hot'. Yet one compression sock is not the same as another... Do you want to know what makes Herzog socks so unique and different? We are happy to explain it to you.

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Customization is of paramount importance to Herzog. At Herzog they take into account that every athlete has different leg sizes. For optimal compression effect, it is very important that you have socks with the perfect fit. That's why Herzog works with one unique and innovative sizing system where the leg is measured at no fewer than 5 precisely defined points. So you can rightly say that Herzog PRO sports compression socks are custom-made socks. Many other compression brands offer their socks based on shoe size or thickest calf circumference. And that is actually quite strange... After all, a trained marathon runner with shoe size 42 has completely different contours than a muscular football player with the same shoe size. Herzog Medical therefore has a special sizing system and a range that consists of no fewer than 54 ready-to-wear sizes. Almost all running stores in the Benelux specialize in fitting Herzog socks.

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Herzog Medical is the only compression sock supplier globally that produces socks that have been scientifically proven to be effective in combating injuries and promoting recovery. Furthermore, they are unique in that they carry the official Medical Device Registration (MDR) label. What does this mean? As a consumer you can see this label as a kind 'reliability mark'. With a product with an MDR label, you as a consumer are 100% certain that every statement made about the product is correct. All properties and benefits mentioned by the manufacturer are scientifically proven. So with Herzog socks you are not dealing with promising marketing slogans, but with a reliable product. No other brand of sports compression socks meets this MDR designation.


The proof that Herzog socks are actually effective are the hundreds of experiences of athletes who have recovered from their injuries thanks to Herzog socks. This has been demonstrated in various scientific studies. A recent large-scale scientific research from the University Medical Center Utrecht (2021) has shown that 90% of athletes who wear Herzog socks are no longer confronted with recurring injury complaints. Within this large-scale cross-sectional study, Franke and Backx (sports medicine cluster of the UMCU University Medical Center Utrecht) looked at the injury pattern and sports history of 512 athletes. The study clearly shows that athletes regard Herzog socks as an important preventive measure to reduce and prevent injuries.

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Interesting... but how can compression socks ensure that you no longer suffer from tired legs and why do they have an injury preventative effect? How does that work physiologically?

Promotion of blood circulation
Herzog socks offer relatively high compression at ankle level with a decreasing pressure profile towards the knee. This is a precisely defined compression gradient from 30 mmHg compression at the ankle to 23 mmHg below the knee, regardless of any leg shape. Naturally, this specific pressure profile can only be guaranteed and guaranteed when stockings are worn that exactly follow the leg contour, no matter how different the leg shape is. The effect of this is that venous and lymphatic return in particular is accelerated and waste products from the combustion process are therefore removed very effectively. We call this improving micro-blood circulation in the muscles. This is a prerequisite for easier performance and promoting recovery. You will notice this effect during exercise, training or competition, but certainly also afterwards. It is not without reason that almost the entire professional cycling peloton uses the Herzog PRO socks as recovery socks; Alpecin-Deceuninck, Baloise Lions, Alpecin Fenix, Lidl-Trek, Team DSM-firmenich PostNL and many individual top players. In addition, Herzog Medical Recovery is a Partner of the Athletics Union and many other national sports associations.

Brace effect
In addition to promoting circulation, Herzog socks have a brace or bandage effect due to their relatively high compression. The calf muscles remain compact and solid due to the compressing effect of the sock, which effectively reduces the shock load during foot landing. The result is that muscle and tendon damage is limited. And in addition, by counteracting the side-to-side swinging movement of the calf muscles, the pulling forces on the Achilles tendons and the shin splints are counteracted.

In summary, you can say that many athletes wear Herzog socks to prevent the recurrence of injuries, reduce current complaints, speed up recovery and improve sports performance. Herzog socks are also used by many physiotherapists and sports physicians as an 'extra tool' in the rehabilitation of common lower leg injuries.

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Paul Jongmans

Former physiotherapist NAC BREDA

“During my time as a physiotherapist at NAC Breda, I recommended the PRO Compression Shorts from Herzog Medical to many players. These trousers are worn both preventively and curatively. Within football, the incidence of groin and hamstring injuries is high. With Herzog shorts you, as a physiotherapist, have an extra tool to properly manage these problems.”

“During my time as a physiotherapist at NAC Breda, I recommended the PRO Compression Shorts from Herzog Medical to many players. These trousers are worn both preventively and curatively. Within football, the incidence of groin and hamstring injuries is high. With Herzog shorts you, as a physiotherapist, have an extra tool to properly manage these problems.”