
Prevent calf complaints
Herzog socks keep your calf muscles tightly compacted, reducing shock load on your calves. Already dealing with a muscle tear? Herzog socks act like a “band-aid” for your injury: the compression effect brings the edges of the muscle tear together, accelerating the healing process!
Optimal blood circulation
Herzog socks support blood circulation and venous return to the heart, facilitating optimal removal of lactic acid and carbon dioxide. This improved blood flow ensures that oxygen is delivered to the muscles more quickly, contributing to faster recovery and better performance during physical exertion.
Prevent Achilles tendon injuries
Running places significant strain on your Achilles tendons. A nagging Achilles is a sign that your body needs a little extra support. Herzog socks provide support and stabilization to your calf muscles, reducing the pull on your Achilles tendon. This minimizes the risk of injury, allowing you to run with confidence.
Optimal warm regulation
Herzog socks are knitted with special microfibers that ensure optimal temperature regulation. The breathable materials quickly wick away moisture, keeping your feet dry in both warm and cold weather. Enjoy unparalleled comfort and performance, no matter the conditions!
Prevent shin splint injuries
Herzog socks provide support and stabilization to the calf muscles and tendons around the shin, helping to diminish the impact of repetitive shocks. This reduction in strain on the shinbone significantly lowers the risk of injuries such as shin splints, allowing you to train and perform with confidence.
Points of sale
Have yourself professionally fitted at a store nearby
As the market leader in the Benelux, you will find our products in almost every running specialty store in the Netherlands and Belgium. Do you want to be sure that you get the right size compression socks? Go to one of our specialized sales points and have your leg measured. Rely on the expertise of a running specialist in your area and enjoy a perfect fit.
Point of sale near youAmbassadors
Estavana Polman chooses Herzog
Estavana Polman, top handball player for Team NL, chooses Herzog compression socks to stay injury-free and to take her performance to the next level. With Herzog socks she prevents muscle pain and the feeling of heavy legs, so that she can make a difference on the field time and time again.
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